
If You’re Looking For Work, Legal Recruitment Agencies Can Help

Are you a newly minted lawyer, paralegal, or legal secretary? Congratulations!But as you likely know—while your classes, placements, and internships have now ended, the job hunt is just beginning. Finding the right position can be every bit as daunting and stressful as a final exam, a day in court or poring over a pile of legal briefs. What’s the best way to find a job in your chosen field of law? Conversely, if you’re on the other side of the hiring exchange, what’s the best way to go about recruiting the best employees for your legal firm?

Legal Recruitment Agencies

We all understand how networking and using connections via schools and social institutions can be very helpful—if the stars are aligned correctly, of course. But since it’s dangerous to rely only upon the good graces of others, it’s reassuring to know one can turn to a legal recruitment agency. Just like the more familiar general employment agency, legal recruitment agencies serve a twofold purpose. First, they help job seekers locate employment best suited to their particular abilities and talents; second, they help prospective employers save time and effort in tracking down employees that meet their specific needs. Like their more general brethren, some legal recruitment agencies are better and more efficient than others; prospective employees should ask themselves the following questions of prospective agencies before trusting in them.

First, how diverse is this agency? We’re not talking about the agency’s racial and cultural staff makeup, per se, or that of its clients. Instead, does the agency focus on limited legal specialties? Or does it focus on employment opportunities across the entire legal field? While some job seekers may want the assistance of an agency that serves a limited clientele, for most people, the more diverse the job offerings are, the better. It doesn’t just more mean jobs in general—it indicates that the firms represented are large and successful.

large and successful

Secondly, do some research about the firms the agency is representing. A good recruiting agency, like The Heller Group, one of the best legal recruitment agencies in Toronto, is both selective of whom they represent and careful about their reputation. It’s not enough to have heard of these law firms; you should also hear good things about them. Moreover, both prospective employers and employees should seek a recruiting agency with a high placement rate. Are they just matching jobs and workers, or are they making the best matches? How long do matched employees stay employed? If the agency creates long-term, satisfied employees, then you know you have one working for everyone’s best interests.

Finally, a good recruiting agency will use a wide array of methods to make placements. This not only includes utilizing networking opportunities, but having databases that both agency employees and clients can access. Reputable agencies also help agencies by becoming middlemen, alleviating a lot of time and energy normally devoted to hiring. Agencies can vet and filter out some prospects, while making tentative job offers and even supplying some training.

good recruiting agency

While both employees and employers have multiple options when looking for anrecruitment agency to represent them in a job search, one that offers legal employment services should definitely be considered. The right one can save all seekers time, frustration, and money, and make the process of finding a job one that doesn’t mire them in months (or years!) of stress.

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