6 Methods for Resolving a Commercial Lease Dispute

Navigating the complexities of a commercial lease dispute can be a daunting task. Regardless of whether you’re a tenant or a property owner, the process can be stressful, time consuming and full of unknowns. If you’ve found yourself embroiled in a lease dispute over a commercial building and you’re not sure what next steps you should take, this article will detail six effective methods to resolve a commercial lease dispute with minimal fuss.
Legal Mediation
One of the most common methods for resolving a commercial lease dispute is legal mediation. This involves engaging a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who facilitates a discussion between the disputing parties. The mediator’s role is not to make decisions, but to help both parties reach a mutually agreeable solution. This method is often quicker and less expensive than litigation, and it allows both parties to have a say and retain a mutual level of control over the outcome.
Arbitration is another alternative dispute resolution method. Unlike mediation, an arbitrator has the authority to make binding decisions after hearing the arguments of both parties. The process is similar to a court trial, but it’s private and usually faster. The arbitrator’s decision is final and binding, providing a degree of certainty for both parties.
Before resorting to formal dispute resolution methods, it’s worth trying to negotiate directly with the other party. This could involve simply discussing the issue, identifying each party’s needs and interests, and exploring potential resolutions. A successful negotiation can preserve the business relationship and save both parties time and money.
If all else fails, litigation might be the only option left to resolve a commercial lease dispute. This involves taking the dispute to court, where a judge will decide the outcome based on the evidence presented. Litigation can be costly and time consuming, and the final decision is usually out of the hands of the disputing parties. However, it can also provide a definitive resolution to the dispute, which can be beneficial in certain situations.
Collaborative Law
Collaborative law is another alternative dispute resolution method that’s gaining steady popularity in resolving commercial lease disputes. In this process, each party hires a trained collaborative lawyer, and all parties agree to work together in a cooperative, non-adversarial manner to resolve the dispute. The focus is on open communication and problem-solving rather than confrontation, and the lawyers will share resources and information amongst each other. If the process fails, the involved lawyers are prevented from representing the parties in court, ensuring that everyone is committed to finding a resolution. This process can lead to more creative and satisfactory solutions that help to preserve business relationships.
Engaging a Commercial Lease Dispute Lawyer
Engaging a commercial lease dispute lawyer can be highly beneficial. These professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of commercial leases and equipped with the knowledge and experience to provide sound advice and guidance on these specific matters. They can help you understand your rights and obligations, assess the strength of your case and recommend the best course of action.