
Workers’ Compensation: When to Lawyer Up

When should I call a workers’ compensation lawyer is a question that lingers in the minds of many injured employees. If you happen to wonder about that too, then the simplest answer is as soon as you are denied your workers’ comp benefits.

The reality of the matter is that your employer won’t happily start sending your workers’ comp benefits just because you suffered occupational injuries. In fact, more than half of employees hurt while performing their duties will need the help of a local L&I attorney to receive the benefits they rightfully deserve.

Here are five times when you need to lawyer up:

When your employer insists you should visit a doctor of their choice

It is a good thing for your employer to recommend a good physician for you. However, if they insist that you should go to that physician, then you have a reason to worry. Remember, you will only get to receive the benefits if you prove that your employer (or any other responsible party) was negligent and that the medical reports add immense value to the process. If the doctor is siding with the employer, it may be hard for you to obtain a genuine report. It’s within your rights to seek treatment from a physician of your choice – and when that doesn’t happen, then you should bring a lawyer on board.

When you don’t get full compensation for your injuries

Washington workers’ comp law expects employers to pay for hospital expenses, lab tests, emergency care, medications, and follow-up doctor visits related to occupational accidents. Injured employees are also entitled to get no less than 60% of their average weekly pay. If your employer doesn’t want to pay for all job-related accident causing the injuries, then it’s time to lawyer up.

You have a pre-existing condition

If your injury involves the same body part you hurt at your job or you have an existing injury, you will have an even difficult fight with your employer’s insurance firm. Often, they will try to pin your damage on your pre-existing condition instead of your work activities. A good workers’ comp lawyer can help you prove that you suffered the injury in your workplace and help you get adequate compensation for that.

Your employer intimidates you into accepting less benefit

Although many employers don’t question the extent of the injured worker’s healthcare services, some don’t want to pay more money because of the workers’ comp claim. However, you shouldn’t allow your employer to challenge the necessity of your healthcare solutions. You deserve proper care and shouldn’t go without one because of someone else’s negligence. Call a Washington workers’ comp lawyer when you feel that your employer is trying to intimidate you into accepting much less than you deserve, legally.

Fail to get your compensation checks on time

According to the workers’ comp law, your employer needs to report your injury to their insurance company within seven days if you still are not able to work and earn your full wage five days after the injury. The insurance company has 14 days from when the injury is reported to send a check or update you of their intention to fight your claim. In such a case, you’ll need a lawyer to ensure you don’t miss deadlines and that you get what you rightfully deserve.

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