
Dealing With The WSIB? You Need The Best Legal Representation

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is a government agency that compensates injured workers based on a no fault policy; this means that a worker is compensated regardless of who’s fault the accident was. In exchange for compensation, the employee agrees not to sue the employer or hold them accountable for any further liability or negligence. The WSIB used to be called the Workers Compensation Board.

Best Legal Representation

The main priority of the WSIB is to return the worker to work as soon and as safely as possible. An employer may contest the claim, if they believe the injury occurred somewhere other than the workplace. When a claim is contested, the injured party is given the benefit of the doubt. If a worker is denied compensation they can also appeal that denial.

A claim and/or appeal process can be frustrating and complicated for the uninitiated. If you’ve been injured in the workplace, it is in your best interest to seek assistance from a law firm that has prior experience with the WSIB, who can handle a lot of the time sensitive process, and ensure that you are fairly compensated. Workplace injury lawyers assist with any matter that may arise from your claim. When you are ready to appeal a denial, it is important to ask yourself a few pertinent questions before retaining a lawyer. Are you comfortable discussing personal information with this person? How long has the attorney been in practice? How many cases similar to yours has the lawyer worked on and won?

Do not be afraid to find out if the lawyers at, works on a contingency basis or if they charge a structured fee. If they do charge a fee to take the case can they give you an estimate regarding how much it will cost? You also want to make sure the lawyer’s office is located within easy walking or driving distance to you. These are all relevant questions that will help you make an informed decision when appealing any Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claim.

Skilled law firms will not charge for their services unless a claim is resolved. In addition, a law firm with extensive experience working with the WSIB will be able to identify all potential sources of compensation that you might not be aware of. Don’t add insult to injury by going through the WSIB process alone. Contact a professional law firm that has the experience and expertise to bring about a successful and painless conclusion.

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